FPST Transit Program Begins!


Fallon Paiute-Shoshone Tribe Transit Program Begins!
The FPST transit program will be starting operation on Feb 10th 2014. The newly created transit program will proudly provide tribal members with scheduled rides to Fallon, The Colony, and Fernley twice daily Monday thru Thursday. It also offers scheduled trips to Reno and Sparks once a month. The transit service operates on a first come first serve basis. Passengers must call 24 hours prior to needing a ride. When calling to schedule a ride leave a message with your name, phone number, location and time ride is needed according to the routes provided. You will be contacted the same day by transit employees to confirm the ride and assign a pick up location. Fliers with more detailed information will be mailed out and also be available at all tribal buildings. Call 775-423-3828 for more information.